Which Design pattern you should be using for Android Project ?

Sree Kumar A.V
1 min readMay 22, 2018

When you start off a new project, you may be stuck on this point where which design pattern should I be using? There is a bunch of design approach like MVP/MVVM/MVC/VIPER/Repository pattern + more. You may have read the uncle bob clean Architecture and you might be well aware of SOLID principle of software design.

When you read more about this, you will understand that these are the set of guidelines to improve the software quality. You know your project more than anyone else. Find the one best suits for your use case. If an already existing architecture doesn’t solve your problems, create a new one or tweak the existing one.

Whatever you do, make sure that you have the following traits in your Architecture.

  1. Should be Isolated from the Framework.
  2. Testable, you should be able to test the business logic that you write.
  3. Scalable and Maintainable, your code shouldn’t bloat in a long run. It should be easy to take one module out and put a new one in.

Cool, thanks !!

